Xtina’s Demo Leaked

A demo of Christina’s new single “Your Body” leaked and it isn’t the 9 car pile up mess I was expecting. Granted, this is just a demo and by the time all of the producing and final touches are put on it, it may be a panty dropper or a total fart.

Ngl, I am kind of rooting for her even though I say mean things about her. I just figured she could take it since she’s a “Fighter.”

Homegirl better bring it this time though. The album better have ballads galore on there. Make me relive “I Turn To You” Xtina!

The music videos need to not look like “You Lost Me” and the live performances need to make me shut the f*ck up. I need diva, I need WOW, I need her to wear flattering outfits.

Xtina, you in danger girl.

Demo below.



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